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Best Abandoned Cart Email Examples

Are visitors clicking away before checkout? See these examples of abandoned cart emails to inspire your own email marketing campaigns and boost sales.

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Abandoned cart emails are emails sent to customers that have added items to their online cart but have yet to complete their purchase. If they click away, close the window, or spend too much time in between adding an item and checking out, you can use an automated system to send out this custom message. The purpose is to remind the customer of the items they have in their cart and incentivize them to complete their purchase.

Abandoned cart emails are a great way to increase sales and keep your company, products, brands, and service relevant in the customer’s mind. If you need inspiration for creating your own abandoned cart email, however, take a look at these examples. Not every abandoned cart email works on a customer; you need to personalize it according to your brand, your target audience, and the exact product you’re offering. Here are your best options:

Simple Reminder Email

A reminder message is the simplest abandoned cart email there is. All it does is merely remind the customer of the items they left in their cart and encourage them to complete their purchase.

This kind of email campaign lacks personalization, but it can be effective with certain customers. For example, a customer base made up primarily of elderly people may appreciate this simple reminder email over one full of colorful pictures and call-to-action buttons. 

These kinds of simple emails are also more accessible to people with visual impairments, who may need to use assistive technology to read simple, text-based emails.

Incentives Email

Incentives emails remind the customer of the items in the cart, but also provide them with extra incentives to complete the purchase. These incentives often include discount codes, free shipping, or a limited-time offer. 

This kind of abandoned cart email is effective with customers who abandon their cart due to financial reasons. It can also help justify the purchase in the customer’s mind if the items are within a more expensive range, or if the customer has multiple items sitting in the cart.

Upsell Email

This type of abandoned cart email suggests related or complementary items to the customer, based on the items they left in their cart. For example, if a customer left a pair of jeans in their cart, the email could suggest matching accessories or other items that would go well with the jeans, like belts. 

This encourages the customer to buy more items, but also tells them that you understand your client base. It fosters a better connection and helps the customer trust your brand, so they’re more likely to come back in the future.

Personalized Email

This type of email uses customer data, such as their purchase history or browsing behavior, to create a personalized message. It may also address the customer by name, suggest products that are tailored to the customer’s interests, or tell the customer what they are missing out on by not purchasing the product.

This kind of abandoned cart email is effective because it encourages the customer to take action based on personalized data, which is much more effective than general customer information.

Scarcity Email

A scarcity email creates a sense of urgency by highlighting that the items in the customer’s cart are in high demand or may sell out soon. It prevents the customer from missing out on an item they’re still interested in, and also promotes quick action. This is best paired with a limited-time discount or free shipping offer to encourage the customer to complete their purchase faster.

Social Proof Email

This type of email uses positive customer reviews or ratings to provide social proof and encourage the customer to complete their purchase. This type of email works because customers may feel more incentivized to purchase products after they read about how the products positively impacted others. It’s great for customers that are unsure about the particular item or unfamiliar with your brand.

Reminder with Abandoned Items Image

Abandoned cart emails can include images of the product(s) left in the cart. This type of email helps the customer visualize the products, reminds them of why they were interested in purchasing the items in the first place, and helps grab their attention in a swath of other abandoned cart emails they may be getting from other brands.

With the right abandoned cart email, you can encourage your clientele to engage with your store, come back to the items that interested them, and purchase more – both now and in the future. Be sure to consider your unique target audience and the image you want to present for your brand, and then pick the email type that suits you best.

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