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Email Marketing vs. Social Media Marketing: Best Strategy for Your Business

Email and social media marketing are two kinds of strategies used to promote a company’s products and services. Learn here how to choose the best one for you.

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Email marketing and social media marketing are two different kinds of digital marketing used by businesses to reach their target audience. Email marketing involves sending email campaigns to a group of people via email, typically to promote a product or service, build customer loyalty, or drive sales. Social media marketing, on the other hand, involves using social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote a product or service, build brand awareness, and engage with customers.

Both email marketing and social media marketing can be effective strategies for businesses. Numerous companies use both in their overall marketing strategy. However, depending on the kind of work you do, focusing on one over the other can be more beneficial for your marketing strategy.

In this article, we’ll explore both kinds of marketing strategies to help you decide which to focus on.

What Is The Difference Between Email Marketing and Social Media Marketing?

To understand which marketing strategy is the ideal one for your business, it’s important to understand the difference between the two. Let’s dive in:

Audience and Engagement

The kind of audience and their attitude toward your content is different, based on the marketing strategy you use, and this affects engagement. Email marketing allows you to reach a targeted audience that has already opted in to receive your emails. Because of this, when you create email marketing campaigns, you are marketing to people who are already interested in your products and services. You can easily use the rapport you’ve built with your email list to promote products, up-sell, and cross-sell with relative success.

Social media marketing, on the other hand, allows you to reach a broader audience that may or may not be interested in your product or service. With social media, there are more chances for you to go viral with one good marketing choice or campaign. However, even among people who follow the company’s social media account, there may be little engagement, because it is harder to personalize social media content.

People follow brands on social media for different reasons. Some may just want updates on promotional material, others what company news, and others still may be on the lookout for new products. Because of this, you may notice that engagement rates don’t reflect your follower count on all of your posts, and the marketing campaign may not interest everyone. In contrast, with email marketing, you can create and send personalized campaigns to different sections of your email list, thanks to segmentation.

Reach and Competition

Email marketing is a direct communication channel between you and your audience, whereas social media marketing is an open forum, where your message competes with other content for attention. 

Because of this, social media marketing often requires more creativity than email marketing to reach more people. You want to stand out from the crowd of other brands, and to do so, you must learn both the fundamentals of social media marketing and the algorithm for the different social media platforms you leverage.

With email marketing, you must have a solid email acquisition strategy to reach a lot of people and build your email list. Once your list is established, if your campaigns are well-crafted and you employ email marketing fundamentals, you can capture your subscribers’ attention and keep them engaged.

Content Format

Email marketing is best suited for longer-form content, such as articles or newsletters, while social media marketing is more conducive to shorter-form content, such as status updates, images, or videos. Before investing in one marketing strategy, it’s essential to know your audience and understand what kind of content they respond best to.


According to the Direct Marketing Association, email marketing has a much higher return on investment (ROI) than social media marketing. If driving sales is your priority, then email marketing can help you with that.

Which is The Best Digital Marketing Strategy for My Company?

Choosing between email marketing and social media marketing depends on several factors, including your business goals and target audience. Here are questions to consider when choosing the strategy for your business:

  • Goals: What are your business goals? Are you looking to generate leads, drive sales, build brand awareness, or engage with your audience?

  • Audience: Who is your target audience? Do they prefer to receive communication through email or social media, or both?

  • Budget: What is your budget? Email marketing and social media marketing can both be cost-effective, but each platform may require different resources, such as email marketing software or social media advertising packages.

  • Resources: What resources do you have available? Do you have the staff, time, and expertise to create and manage an email marketing campaign or a social media marketing campaign?

  • Message: What is your message? Is your message better suited for a longer-form email newsletter or a shorter-form social media post?

Once you have considered these questions, you may find that one platform is better suited for your business than the other. However, remember that both email marketing and social media marketing can be effective strategies when used correctly, and they can also complement each other. 

Your customers may appreciate one form of marketing over the other and it’s beneficial to place your focus on your most successful marketing strategies. Nonetheless, you may want to consider using both platforms in a coordinated way to reach and engage with your target audience best.

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