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Email Marketing Specialist Salary: How Much Does an Email Marketer Make?

Email marketing specialists are an integral part of companies that want good communication with customers. Here’s how much these marketers earn on average.

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Email marketing specialists are a highly important part of any company’s marketing strategy. They are in charge of overseeing the company’s email marketing campaigns, which include newsletters, promotional offers, announcements, and more. By generating content that the customers may find valuable, email marketing specialists improve the relationship between company and customer.

If you’re interested in becoming an email marketing specialist, it’s natural to wonder about the salary. Let’s explore how much you can earn if you choose this career path.

How Much Do Email Marketing Specialists Earn?

According to Glassdoor, the average salary for an email marketing specialist in the U.S. is around $63,000 per year, though some can earn as low as $40,000 and as high as $90,000 or more. There are many factors that can affect how much an email marketing specialist earns, such as:

  • Education
  • Certifications
  • Skills
  • Performance
  • Experience
  • Region
  • Industry
  • Company size

How to Earn a Higher Salary as an Email Marketing Specialist

Given how many factors go into an email marketing specialist’s salary, if you want to be a high-earning email marketer, you should focus on the things you can control, such as your:

  • Education
  • Skills
  • Performance
  • The companies you apply to

A specific degree isn’t necessarily required to become an email marketing specialist, but there are certain degrees in related fields that can help you land a high-earning job. Numerous email marketers have degrees in fields like marketing, communications, and advertising.

As for your skills, those are factors you can develop through your degree, courses, and experience. Here are skills you should have to be good at email marketing:

  • Strong communication skills (written and verbal)
  • Proficiency with email marketing software (Mailchimp, Constant Contact, HubSpot)
  • Knowledge of HTML and CSS
  • Understanding of data analysis and reporting

A formal education and skills will get you through the door, but you still need to prove that you’re worth a high salary as you gain more experience in your career. Ultimately, the most important factor in becoming a high-earning email marketing specialist is having a deep understanding of the email marketing landscape, including the best practices and trends. This will get you results and a higher salary.

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