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How to Create an Interactive Email

You can develop interactive emails that ensure your email campaigns are even more memorable. Here’s how to start, with helpful examples to guide you.

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An interactive email is an email that allows the recipient to engage with the content directly within the email itself, without needing to navigate to an external web page or application. This type of email generally includes interactive elements, such as:

  • Clickable buttons
  • Menus
  • Sliders
  • Forms that enable the recipient to take action or provide feedback within the email

So how do you create your own, and what are the benefits? Let’s take a look:

How to Create an Interactive Email: Elements to Include

Interactive emails can enhance the user experience by providing a more engaging and personalized experience. For example, an interactive email might include a survey or quiz that the recipient can complete directly within the email, or a product catalog with clickable images that allow the recipient to browse and purchase items without leaving their inbox. 

It’s an innovative way to get subscribers to interact with the brand, as it doesn’t cost the subscriber as much time and requires less effort. Successful campaigns using this type of email often leave a long-lasting, positive impact on the customer.

Here are the steps you should to take to create an interactive email:

Determine the goal of the interactive email

Before you start creating an interactive email, it’s important to define what you plan to achieve. Do you want to increase engagement, drive conversions, or provide a better user experience? Once you have a clear goal in mind, you can start designing your email.

You can examine interactive emails from other companies for inspiration. Many top brands, such as Spotify, Sephora, and Burberry, send out interactive emails with clickable images and videos, interactive maps, and more.

Aside from the top brands, you should also take inspiration from your competitors, big or small. Interactive emails are becoming a mainstay in the email marketing world, so you’ll definitely want to sign up for a variety of competitor email newsletters to see how they run their show. This not only gives you insight on the best practices, but also shows you what’s needed to stand apart from rivals. 

Design your email

Use a design tool or email builder to create your email layout. Keep in mind that the design should be optimized for different email clients and devices, including mobile devices. The branding style should remain consistent, and it’s important to be wary of visual clutter.

Even if it’s your first time creating and sending out an interactive email, you should still develop something your subscribers will generally expect. For example, if you send out financial emails to an email list consisting mainly of retired people, you don’t want to suddenly provide an email with complicated instructions and flashing colors. Breaking from expectations in this way can present your new email as spammy or annoying. At the very least, it can muddle your brand image. The style can evolve over time.

After that, keep your email list in mind. Create different interactive emails depending on how your list is segmented, so that each group receives messages that will resonate best with them.

Add interactive elements

Creating an interactive email requires some technical knowledge and HTML coding skills. Use HTML and CSS code to add interactive elements to your email, such as buttons, menus, sliders, and forms. Make sure that the interactive elements are designed to be mobile-responsive and easy to use, as this is how most subscribers will need to view them.

It’s important to note that creating an interactive email can be complex, and there may be limitations to what you can achieve, depending on the email client and device. Consider working with a professional designer who has experience in creating interactive emails to ensure the best possible results. The alternative may be a dysfunctional or cumbersome email.

Test your email

Use an email testing tool to test your interactive email across different email clients and devices. Make sure that the interactive elements work as expected and that the email renders correctly on all devices.

Send your email

Once you have tested your email and made any necessary adjustments, you can send your interactive email to your subscribers. You don’t need to send the email to everyone on your list at once. Instead, you can send it to different parts of your list to see how they react, and then adjust the email campaign according to their feedback.

With these techniques and tips in mind, you can develop an interactive email that gives your company its greatest benefits. 

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