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What is a Target Email?

Stand out in your customers’ inboxes by sending targeted emails that speak to them. Learn here what a target email is and how to use modern best practices.

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Emails are a favorite in the digital marketing world, but with so many spammers and newsletters, recipients can easily get burnt out on receiving messages. By the time they open your email, they may not even be interested! This is why target emails are such important tools for any email marketer.

A target email refers to an email that is sent to a particular person or group of people, with the intention of achieving a specific objective. A target email is crafted to be more personalized and relevant to the recipient, as opposed to a generic email that is sent to a large list of recipients. The goal of a target email is to increase the likelihood that the recipient will open, read, and take action, based on the relevant and valuable content of the email.

The Benefits of Targeted Emails

Because of the nature of target emails, they offer many benefits to companies that are looking to increase engagement rates and drive sales.

Targeted emails are more likely to resonate with the recipient because they are personalized to their interests, needs, and preferences. This leads to higher engagement rates and a deeper connection with the recipient, which can lead to increased brand loyalty and customer retention.

Because targeted emails are more engaging and relevant, they tend to produce better results. This means that businesses can achieve a higher return on investment (ROI) from their email marketing campaigns, making them more cost-effective, especially over time.

Common Target Email Strategies

Marketers that leverage targeted email strategies often use the following tactics to generate results effectively:


Personalization is the most important part of creating a target email. Personalization makes the email feel tailored, like the company is speaking directly to the recipient in order to satisfy their exact needs. 

Use the recipient’s name or other relevant information in the subject line or content of the email. For example, you can have a subject line that says:

  • [Name], check out our new products!

Or an email greeting that says:

  • Hi [Name], we thought you might like these new items.

Aside from including their name or other relevant details, you can also offer personalized recommendations based on the customer’s past behavior, such as their purchase history, browsing behavior, and interests.


Segmenting email lists based on demographics, interests, behavior, or other criteria can help businesses send more relevant messages to specific groups of recipients. Email segmentation allows businesses to send more targeted and relevant messages to specific groups of recipients, increasing the likelihood of engagement, conversion, and customer loyalty.

Segmentation allows businesses to send different types of emails to different sections of their email list, based on what is most relevant to the subscribers. This is crucial for target emails because they help you organize and maintain your list, so that you can personalize your campaigns as accurately as possible.

Triggered Emails

Triggered emails, also known as autoresponders, are automated emails that are sent in response to a specific action taken by the recipient, such as signing up for a newsletter or abandoning a shopping cart. Triggered emails can be highly targeted and relevant, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

Triggered emails are just another way to personalize your customer’s shopping experience and make sure the emails they receive are relevant to them. For example, you can send a targeted, triggered email to a customer who has added items to their cart, but then left your website without completing the purchase. This type of email focuses on the customer according to their actions, and then incentivizes them individually to engage with your brand.

Target Email Tips

If you’re looking to create targeted emails to send to your email list, here are the best tips:

  • Know Your Audience: Understanding your target audience is crucial for creating effective targeted emails. Conduct market research, analyze customer data, and develop target customer personas to better understand your audience’s needs.
  • Provide Value: Make sure your email content provides value to the recipient. Do this by offering relevant information, exclusive offers, or personalized recommendations that align with their needs and interests.
  • Test: A/B test different parts of your emails – such as subject lines, email content, or calls-to-action (CTAs) – to optimize your email campaigns and improve engagement rates.
  • Use Clear CTAs: Use clear and compelling calls-to-action that are relevant to the recipient’s interests and encourage them to take action, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading a resource.
  • Make Emails Mobile-Friendly: Ensure your emails are optimized for mobile devices, with clear, easy-to-read text and images that are properly sized for small screens.

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