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Send relevant emails with audience segmentation

Audience engagement tools that let you personalize and deliver contextually relevant messages.

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segmentation comparison

Get up to 25% higher open rates and 50% more clicks with audience segmentation.

On average, our users see about 25% increase in their open rates and 50% more clicks when they segment their subscribers compared to sending a generic email to their entire audience.

Market smarter with powerful and intuitive audience segmentation.

Our powerful and intuitive segmentation tool helps you use subscriber data and analytics to create unique groups that you can personalize your messages to.

Based on subscriber demographics

Use the demographic data you have about your customers to create relevant groups.

Based on audience engagement

Engage with subscribers who are slipping away and reward those who love your brand.

Previous purchases and order value

Personalize your emails based on granular purchase information like orders and purchase value.

Using custom tags and important dates

Create detailed segments based on custom subscriber tags and important dates.

Create segments based on subscriber demographics​

Send highly relevant messages based on where your subscribers are located, their gender and other demographic data. Combine location based information with other signals such as opens and clicks to build precise targeting groups.

Segment based on how your audience is engaging with your messages

Create evergreen segments that automatically update themselves based on engagement rules you set. Bring back subscribers who are slipping away with re-engagement campaigns, create focused groups for people who always open and click on your emails or create a segment on subscribers who clicked on a specific set of campaigns.

Segment based on purchase behaviour and order value

Send revenue-generating emails by segmenting your subscribers based on previous purchases, frequency of purchases, which product they bought or how much they have spent with you.

Celebrate important dates, send reminders on renewals or use tags to group subscribers

Use custom tags to group subscribers into unique sets based on any custom data such as renewal dates and message them on time. Or use subscriber information such as birthdays to send them on-time discounts and well wishes.

— free resource

Email list segmentation to increase customer engagement.

Segmentation provides you with creative ways to experiment with your data and slice your subscribers into powerful groups that you can target with messages that resonate with them. Here are 8 tips.

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