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6 Crucial Email Newsletter Design Elements

Successful email newsletters are make-or-break according to their design choices. What are 6 great options to evoke emotion and drive subscriber engagement?

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Email newsletters are a type of email marketing campaign that gives subscribers direct information about a company or product’s news, promotions, events, and updates. They are a valuable tool for connecting with subscribers and improving their relationship with the company.

If you’re looking to create your own email newsletter, the visual design is just as important as the content itself. Email newsletters have six tried-and-true design elements that you should incorporate into your own newsletter if you wish to run a successful email campaign. These include the:


The header reigns at the top of the newsletter and is often the first thing the subscriber sees when they open the email. This is why the header should contain all the important details about the company, such as the company name, logo, and (if there’s space) the tagline.


The main content of a newsletter includes articles, blog posts, product updates, promotions, and more. Whatever the purpose of the newsletter, the content should be front and center, so that the subscriber understands what the newsletter is trying to communicate.

It should be short, punchy, and easy to read. If it’s too long, the subscriber might feel too overwhelmed to read through the full letter.

Call-to-Action (CTA)

A clear CTA encourages subscribers to take a specific action, such as clicking a link, making a purchase, or signing up for an event. In email newsletters, these call-to-actions come in the form of large, visible buttons. This is because the CTA should not get lost in the email, so you definitely don’t want to place it somewhere along the body with the rest of the content.

Social Media Links

Don’t forget to include links to the company’s social media profiles. Even if the newsletter’s goal isn’t to draw the subscriber to social media, you still need to give them easy access to the social media presences. The newsletter may inadvertently encourage the subscriber to check out the company’s social media, and it gives a sense of legitimacy to your business. Make it convenient by including social media links.

Subscription Information

Include information on how subscribers can manage their email preferences, like updating their email address, changing their frequency of emails, or unsubscribing. Subscribers should have say over the kinds of emails they receive in their inbox, so the ability to control the way they receive information from your business is crucial.

This improves the relationship the subscribers have with the company and makes them more likely to engage with the newsletter in positive ways. The subscription information usually goes at the bottom of the newsletter at the footer.


The final part of the newsletter is the footer. It’s where you include additional information, like the company address, privacy policy, and unsubscribe link. Including the address helps you comply with anti-spam laws and it also gives the subscriber easy access to the information in case they want to look it up.

The privacy policy is vital information for customers who worry about their privacy as they open emails and click links you send. All in all, the footer is a good way to end an informative email newsletter.

Tips for Email Newsletter Design

With the above structure in mind, be sure to incorporate these extra tips:

  • Brand consistency: Make sure that your email newsletter is consistent with your brand’s visual identity. This includes your logo, color palette, images, and font choices.
  • Clean layout: Keep your email newsletter simple and clean, with a clear layout and easy-to-read text. A cluttered newsletter may turn away many subscribers.
  • Responsive design: Make sure your email newsletter is optimized for different screen sizes and devices, as many people might view it on their mobile devices or tablets.
  • Effective use of images: Use images and graphics effectively to break up text and make your email newsletter more visually appealing. Be sure that the images are of high quality and relevant to the content.
  • Personalization: Personalize your email newsletter by including the subscriber’s name and other relevant information, such as their recent purchase history or any information from their profile.

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