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What is a Holding Page? (+ Examples from Top Brands)

Launching a new product? Let’s take a look at how you can use holding pages to build excitement as you get ready to release your product into the world.

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A holding page, also known as a landing page, is a temporary page that is displayed when a website is being developed or updated. Holding pages are used to let visitors know that a website is in progress and to provide a teaser of what’s to come. They typically include basic information about the website or coming products, such as the name, purpose, and expected launch date.

Holding pages can also be used to collect email addresses or other contact information from interested visitors, which can be used to notify them when the website is live.

Holding pages can have various elements to elicit emotions from visitors, depending on the purpose of the website. They can include factors such as:

  • A countdown timer (to build excitement)
  • A social media links (to generate engagement)
  • A signup form (for updates)
  • Product details (to be informative)

Holding Page Examples

Some of the top brands and companies have successfully used holding pages to be informative, as well as to generate excitement for the launch of a new product or service, such as:

Airbnb Design

Airbnb Design used a holding page to announce Quicksand: The Art of Getting Unstuck in 2020. This was a film series that took a look at a diverse cast of creatives and how they overcame adversity.

The page had a minimalist design that featured information about the series as you scrolled down, including information about the artists, how you could find out more, and an email signup form. It had convenient arrows that took the visitor to each section of the page, where they could read more or watch an embedded video trailer.


When Apple was preparing to launch the iPhone X, it created a holding page that included images of the new phone, a brief paragraph about what Apple’s vision was with the launch of the phone, when customers could pre-order, and the official launch date.

This holding page is an example of what a company can get away with if they have strong branding. The page itself does not offer any information about the phone, and the pre-order and launch dates are in tiny letters all the way at the bottom. However, the giant ‘X’ that the visitor is presented with, as well as the reveal of the phone when they scroll down, is bold and leaves an impact. It’s simple and doesn’t say much, because it doesn’t have to.


Lenovo used a holding page to promote its new Legion gaming laptop. The page was a clear sign of a company that knew its audience, as it clearly addressed one of the most common issues gamers have with gaming laptops: overheating. The holding page displayed a clear image of the laptop and assured viewers of its thermal engineering capabilities, as well as a button that took you to a page where you could learn more about the product.

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