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Term: Error 404

Definition of the term "Error 404"

Email campaigns are a great way to reach out to potential customers and promote your products or services. However, if you’re not careful, your email campaign can quickly become a source of frustration for your recipients. One common annoyance is the 404 error page. This occurs when someone clicks on a link in your email that leads to a page that doesn’t exist. Not only does this cause confusion for the recipient, but it also reflects poorly on your brand. To avoid this problem, be sure to double-check all of the links in your email before sending it out. You should also consider setting up a custom 404 error page on your website. This will help to ensure that visitors have a positive experience, even if they do accidentally click on a broken link.

Quick Tip About Error 404

1. Get feedback from users on what led them to the 404 error page. 2. Show that you are sorry for the inconvenience and want to help solve the problem. 3. Help users find what they were looking for with links to similar pages or a redirect link.

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