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Glossary | Marketing terms definitions

Term: Leads

Definition of the term "Leads"

A marketing lead is a potential sales contact, usually generated through an opt-in form on a company’s website or through an email marketing campaign. Once a lead is generated, it is then “nurtured” through further communications and outreach in order to build relationships and eventually close a sale. Leads are usually tracked and managed using customer relationship management (CRM) software.

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to generate leads. By offering valuable content such as eBooks, white papers, or helpful blog posts in exchange for an email address, companies can quickly build up a database of interested prospects. Once a lead is captured, it is then important to follow up with additional communications in order to nurture the lead and build a relationship. These can include more targeted emails, phone calls, or even face-to-face meetings. With proper care and attention, a marketing lead can be transformed into a valuable customer.

Quick Tip About Leads

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